Friday, January 25, 2013


Hello AP Bio students!

Congratulations! You just signed yourself up for a whole lot of work! But don't panic! It's going to be okay, I PROMISE! If everyone in my class can make it through so can you. Obviously you are the kind of students whose probably taken an advanced course at some point so this won't be a total reality slap to the face.

So let's be real. AP Bio is going to be a lot of work. But it truly is going to prepare you for college and other classes. Plus you get the sense of accomplishment of being an AP student, because we all like to feel smart right?

So, some advice from a veteran like me to a rookie like you: How I Survived AP Bio (and ways you can do it better than I).

1. Take good notes! - Seriously. Pay attention in class. When you are watching videos or listening to a lecture, write stuff down. Don't be passing notes with your seat buddy or taking a nap because I can guarantee you will be studying later and wishing you'd been a better friend to yourself.

2. Study! - I can't tell you how majorly important this is. I studied just enough to pass all of the unit tests the first time around. And when it came time for the final exam I really wish I knew my stuff better. I totally bombed.

3. Study in a group. - Your mom is gonna be all like, studying? At a party? Yeah right, you're just going to goof off, nag nag disbelief. Trust me, I get way more done with my friend than I ever would by myself. Take your reading guides and your study guides and have a little AP Bio gathering and work through it together. Talk about things, do the problems. You will be glad.

4. Pay attention during lab prep. If you don't understand, ask questions. Labs are supposed to teach you something aside from doing fun stuff that isn't paperwork.

5. OPEN YOUR BOOK! - I will admit to you this is something I should have down a lot more of. Believe it or not that book will actually teach you things and not just give you a work out from hauling it's giant self around. When you get a reading guide, MAKE the time to sit down and actually read the chapter. You could learn so much more!

6. Do the extra credit reading guides. You will be thankful for all the cushion your grade can take.

These are all things that will help you achieve. These are also things that I slacked on pretty frequently if we're being honest here. I managed an A in this class (barely a 93% (still counts)) If I can do it and I was a huge slacker you can do it too. I probably could have saved myself and unbelievable amount of stress if I had done more of the things listed above. So please, do yourself a favor, and take this advice or the advice some of the other kids wrote on their blogs to heart.

You're smart and awesome and this class will be good for you whether you feel like it or not! Go kick some butt!


  1. This was so helpful! thanks for all the encouragement :)

  2. Don't mention it!
    I'm glad that other people are reading this and might actually learn from it haha :)
