Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hello Biology Friends!

My name is Sarah Gorkowski. I have been a sideline and competitive cheerleader for 9 years. Last Competitive season I was All-Conference (you can see my picture hanging outside the athletic office :P (I just noticed like 10 minutes ago, pretty exciting stuff)). I'm Sparta High School's National Honor Society Historian, a member of the Interact Club, and a Student Mentor. I'm going to be in art 5 this year and I love art!This past spring was my frist adventure into the world of theater and I absolutely fell in love! West Side Story couldn't have been any better for me. Unfortunately my schedule won't permit me to be involved this fall, I will definitely be back this spring! I'm currently in the Medical Explorer's intern program at Specturm and I hold two jobs; I hostess at TGI Fridays and cashier at Under The Pines.

I'm excited for my intern (my first placement is today incidentally) because I'm interested in studying medicine. Well, medicine is a very broad field and I'm hoping that the internship will help me narrow it down a bit. I'm taking AP Bio this semester because I think it will challenge me, as well as prepare me for college and my future career. In addition to going to school my dearest ambition is to travel the world and travel abroad!

my cheer team!
i'm the second girl from the right



  1. I love that you have dreams for the future other than what your job will be :)

    1. thank you so much! i just really appreciate that!

  2. Heyy girly,
    We are going to have so much funn in class this semester despite the work load. o well, we will be fine. if we can make it through UtP we can make this class lol
    Hope all goes well with ya chica :) See you in class.

    1. heck yeah! "hey Jer, you having fun?"
      most miserable real sadness i've ever seen on another human being's face "NOOOO."
      2 weeks later, i have the same job haha.
      we can do anything!

  3. I miss you cheering with you!!! )":
    However, I am very proud of your goals and how hard you work. I know how stressed you get and I just love how you keep pushing.
    You'll do great in whatever you choose to do... !
    YAY for a cheesy post!!!

    1. haha, yeah i do allow my stress to build don't i?
      and i love cheesy posts!
      besides with our random call schedule i'll have friends like you to keep me going even after i move away!

  4. Your internship sounds fun! I wish I would have done something like that to figure out what I want to study in college. Also working with you at Friday's is great!

  5. I had no idea you were All-Conference last year - congrats! Your internship certainly sounds interesting and I hope it helps steer you in the right direction for a future career.
